Products and Services
Expert technical advice
Finding the best and most cost-effective grade of activated carbon for an application, is often critical. With hundreds of widely different grades available, it is important to make the right choice.
Deploying the selected grade optimally is also important. Well-designed process conditions help to get the best performance out of the activated carbon.
This is where NORIT® application engineers can help you. Our application expertise started with a patented sugar purification technology developed in the 1910’s. Since then, we have helped develop, and spread into, virtually any activated carbon application.
Depending on your wishes, our support can include:
. Advice of the most suitable application method (powdered or granular activated carbon)
. A selection of the most suitable grade(s) for your process
. Guidance for scale-up oriented lab testing (if applicable)
. Design considerations: for your fixed bed granular carbon filter, or powdered carbon filtration
. Recommendations for process equipment
. Optimal process conditions for using activated carbon in your plant
. Analyses of spent activated carbon
. Recommendations for spent carbon reactivation or disposal
Please contact us, to see how our experienced team of application engineers can help you!
EMEA Region
Advanz Germany GmbH
Herforder Str. 69,
D-33602 Bielefeld
The Germany
Americas Region
Advanz Americas, Inc.
3200 University Ave.
Marshall, TX 75670
Asia/Pacific Region
Advanz Singapore Pte. Ltd.
101 Thomson Road,
United Square #26-04
Singapore 30759
Advanz executive office: Visiting address: 1255 Business Center Drive, Suite 240, Horsham, PA 19044.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1746, Horsham.